Coach’s Corner: Defensive Zone Wing Positioning

For this week's Coaching Corner tips, I wanted to focus on Wing positioning within the defensive zone.

Wings have a few defensive responsibilities within the defensive zone. First, they are responsible for covering the points to ensure they are unable to get a quality shot, or make a play to the other side.

Second, the wing is responsible for coverage in the high slot when the puck is on the opposite side of the ice. Here, you're looking to help pick up any open opponents, but be careful not to get sucked in too low, as you still need to get out to cover the points if the puck moves up high.

Thirdly, coverage along the boards. Again, it's important to not get sucked too low here. The wing's responsibility is from just below the hash marks up to the blue line. If the puck is lower, in the corner for example, the defenseman should be picking it up. If support is needed, it is the Center's job to go in and support low. Wing's need to stay high!

Once your team has possession and is transitioning to forecheck (i.e. breaking out of your zone) the strong side wing, or the wing on the same side of the ice as the puck, should be down along the boards near the hashmarks, ready to receive a pass.

Remember from last week's tips, that means standing square to the puck, facing the passer, with your stick on the ice!

Below, is a good, short, video that describes this basic defensive zone coverage.


Coach’s Corner: Center Responsibilities in the Defensive Zone


Coach’s Corner: Receiving a Pass